
Monday, August 24, 2009

40 weeks baby yet!

As of today, I am 40 weeks pregnant! Yes, I am still pregnant! I was hoping that we would have cute pics of our baby boy to post today, but he doesn't seem ready to come out just yet.

We had an appointment with our doctor today to complete the nonstress test to check on Baby J. Chris and I basically sat in a room for around 2 hours while Baby J's movements and heartbeat along with my contractions were monitored. Baby J performed excellently and the doctor even said "your baby's perfect". We, of course, knew that but it's always good to hear it from a professional. Along with the baby doing perfectly, the doctor also said that the amniotic fluid also seemed good. There is no reason for concern at this point with continuing the pregnancy past our due date. The doctor did say that if I notice any decrease in Baby J's movements we should just go straight to the hospital.

If I don't go into labor on my own or there is nothing to be concerned about, then we will be inducing labor on Saturday. At that point, I will be 40 weeks 5 days pregnant or 41 weeks 2 days pregnant per the doctor. Chris and I are very comfortable allowing them to induce labor at that point in time, but we are holding out hope that he will come on his own before then. Either way, we will most definitely have a new member of our family by Saturday, August 29th.

On average, newborns weigh approximately 7 1/2 pounds and are approximately 20 inches long. His skull bones are not yet fused, which allows them to overlap a bit if it's a snug fit through the birth canal during labor.

Well, that's all I have to report right now. Let's hope I have extremely good news in the very near future!

1 comment:

  1. Every day I've been wondering but I don't want to be one of those annoying people who calls daily to say "Have that baby yet?" :) Can't wait to meet him!
