
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

17 Months!

Oh vey! Little Miss is quickly approaching 18 months and I am just now posting this. She changes and gets smarter and show more of her personality every day. She never ceases to surprise us.

At 17 Months:
  • She is extremely opinionated, pointing out precisely which books she wants to read or what she wants to do at any moment, which is usually the opposite of what I am asking.
  • Her favorite book right now is The Napping House and Silly Sally. Such cute books, so I don't reading them every night.
  • She has started requesting "elp" (help) with things. And you also request us to "mone" (come on) when you need that help. 
  • Just the other day she brought me a package of wipes when she had pooped and she said "ipes" (wipes). She then proceeded to go to the couch and lay down and wait for me to change her diaper.
  • She is saying everything these days....
    • Onk - Honk, as in, your nose. : )
    • Yous - Shoes
    • Yockies - Socks (which she likes to take off immediately upon getting in the car....along with her shoes, of course)
    • Eh - Hand
    • Tees - Keys
    • Alk - Walk
    • Yes
    • Ah-meh - Amen
    • Tuck - Stuck
    • Top it - Stop It....used when she wants you to move or to stop doing something
    • Pease - Please
    • Ot - Hot
    • She calls Reed, Bubbie.
  • She is also all about using 'yes mah'(yes, ma'am) and 'no mah'. I would say she probably says 'no mah' more often, which might indicate which one she hears most often. She also tells Reed "no mah" and he responds with "I'm not a girl!"
  • She has started asking us to hold her. So sweet!
  • It is a requirement that she buckles at least one of the buckles on her booster seat when we put her in it. If we try to do it, we are usually met with a 'no mah'. When she gets outs, she also has to buckle both buckles before going to play.
  • She has recently discovered a liking for 'Momo' (Elmo). She requests to watch videos of Elmo if she sees my 'on'(phone).
  • She is very good at giving a sly little sideways mischievous look when she is refusing to listen to what you are asking her to do.
  • She is ticklish and has a great little laugh.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Santa, Santa, Ho, Ho, Ho!

We made our yearly trip to see Santa at Baby Braithwaite this past Saturday and, as expected, Carson was not a fan at all. Reed was, of course!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Carson - 16 Months

At 16 months:
  • Carson loves to climb on things. Toys, chairs, the toilet, etc. We have to keep our eyes on her constantly.
  • She has started to go up to her brother and hit him. Boo. We had some friends over the other night for dinner and she walked by and pinched one little boy on the arm. Oh dear.
  • We have started giving her light spankings on her bottom when she does this to her brother and pops on her hand when she does other things, like playing with an outlet. Well, now if we ask her if she needs a spanking, she gives herself a spanking. You would think we spank the girl all the time. She is silly.
  • She is not a great eater. She loves blueberries also known as berrs to her.
  • She has 16 teeth. I am not sure if I have mentioned that before, officially, but she has had them all for a few months.
  • She is a great sleeper at night but she still refuses to go to sleep without being rocked. I have tried many times to lay her down and rub her back, but she just pops right back up and scream/cries until I pick her back up. She does sleep from around 7:30/8 to 7 every night. Way to go girl!
  • She can understand any and all directions we give her. The other day I asked her if she could pick up her cup of milk and turn the TV off. She did both. Adorable. She is learning so quickly.
  • She absolutely loves to read. She has become very picky about the books we read. She usually shoots down a number of my choices before I land on one that she actually wants to read. In the book "The Going to Bed Book" there is a part that says "and someone turns off the light". I make a click click sound when I read it to her and she has started doing it before I even get to that part. Adorable.
  • We may have talked about this before, but the girl loves to dance. Any time she hears a beat...any beat...she starts bobbing her head, which is soon followed by the rest of her body. It is the cutest thing...especially because she smiles the entire time she is doing it.
  • She loves Mickey Mouse, who she calls "Mick," and Minnie Mouse, who she calls "Mimmie" or something similar. She also loved seeing both of them from afar when we went to Disney a couple of weeks ago...but not so much from close up.
  • She has started repeating everything she hears now. She was already saying several words last month, but she will say anything she hears...or at least try to say anything she hears. She says - Reed which comes out as "weed", milk - muulk, ball, bird - bur, hot = ot, cup, cheese - eese, Marc - Malk, Jo - doe, hand - aan, book, bear, .
  • She has started saying "top it" (stop it) a lot recently, especially in response to her brother driving her bananas. No more tickling, "top it". No more chasing her, it isn't fun anymore, "top it".
  • She has been using "no"quite frequently, although sometimes I am not sure if she actually means yes or no. Ha! 

Monday, November 3, 2014

White Angels Fall Baseball

After playing tee ball last year, we opted to move up a league this year to coach pitch. Reed had such a great time with all the other boys on his team. He really seemed to make a big improvement throughout the season. He certainly picked up a lot about the game this season. I look forward to watching him have fun and learn more about baseball in the spring. Next up, basketball!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween Cuties!

Our Ninja Turtle, Michelangelo, and our Cupcake. Cuties!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Sweet baby and her baby!

"Everything okay, baby?"
"Want something to eat?"

Such a big girl!

And just a few more of this cutie!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Pumpkin Patch!

Head back over to Carson's 15 month post for some more adorableness!