
Monday, August 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Reed!

Happy birthday to Reed!  What a great day we had together (other than the unexpected trip to the doctor)!  We love you very much!

Stay tuned for a much more detailed post about our little guy and how much he's changed over the past year!

The day after his birthday he kept saying "I blow out the candles.  I do that!"

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tea with the Queen

I kid, I kid.  Nothing of the sort happened when we toured Buckingham Palace our final day in London.  We had tried to take a tour on another day but the lines were ridiculously long.  We figured our best option was booking ahead and the only day available was our last day, which we found very fitting.

While we didn't actually get to have tea with the Queen, we did have tea on the Queen, meaning we didn't pay a cent for it.  This is because the crazy airport type security that we went through when entering the palace decided that giving our stroller a little push and then a pull through the x-ray machine was a great idea.  Not so much.  They broke our stroller.  Thank goodness it was on the last day!  Thankfully the people at the palace were super helpful and kind.  They did all the leg work and figured out how to have our stroller repaired.  We should be receiving a new seat for Reed to cruise around in very shortly.

This is by far the best palace/castle that we saw while living in the UK, as you might expect.  It is very beautiful on the inside and certainly fit for a queen!  I highly recommend touring it if you are ever in London in August or September, which is the only time that it is open for tours.  Of course they don't allow pictures inside, so you'll just have to take our word for it that it was awesome, but we did take a few pictures on the back side of the palace that is rarely seen.  We also got to check out Kate's wedding dress.  The display kind of reminds me of the scene from Beetlejuice where they are bringing back the dead couple with their wedding clothes.  It is a little odd, but the dress is beautiful!

Watching the guys marching one last time.

Doing his own marching before we went inside the palace.

And more marching.

Daddy and Reed

Mommy and Reed at the back of the palace.

A shot of the exterior which is rarely seen.

Reed and his new hat that he could not stop laughing about.  He loves it!

And another shot.  It is very, very pretty from this side.

Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of School!

Last week Reed started his first day of school.  He is attending an awesome program at a church near our home for two days a week, 3 hours a day.  I think this is going to get our shy little guy out of his shell, which is one of our main reasons for sending him to school so early.  He is always very timid around other children and often says that he is "scared".  We've got to get him out of this and we're hoping this helps.

Since Reed missed the actual first day of school because we had just returned from London the day before, we visited his school on Wednesday so he could meet his teachers and see his classroom.  He was a little apprehensive at first, but then he went straight in and played with everything, the kitchen, the cars, the books.  We talked about him going to school that evening and then the next morning when I told him it was time to go to school to see Miss Mary and Miss Janet and play with the toys, he ran straight to the garage to get in the car.

Once at school, he wasn't so sure about going back in his room, but I spotted dinosaurs on the floor and pointed them out to him.  He then got up enough courage to go in and grab T-rex.  I then called him back over to tell him bye and he just turned around and walked off.  I was hoping for at least a few tears here kid, lol!  When I returned to pick Reed up, his teachers said that he had done really well although he had cried off and on for the three hours.  They said "he definitely missed you".  That made me feel good, although I hated to think of my baby crying.  Whoa, I am going to be terrible when he has to go to school all day every day!  Let's hope that his next day at school goes even better!  It does appear that he has gotten his first cold from school after just one day.  We are SO not looking forward to that!

Our big boy with his ginormous bag that all kids in his class get.

Sweet Reed!  Ready for school!

Monday, August 15, 2011

It's time for a recap!!!

Wow, can’t believe it is time for a London recap blog.  We have certainly enjoyed our 6 months here.  We have been able to do and see so very many things and we are so thankful for this opportunity.  So, let’s get to it…..

We arrived in London.  Felt a little out of place.  Ate lunch and then we presumably slept for 3 days, lol.  Reed got sick.  We had to make our first trip to the emergency room with him.  Turns out he had a virus, which he would be unfortunate enough to pick up another one later in our trip.  We searched and found a place to live in London.  Phew.  We played at playgrounds and went to Harrod’s, the National History Museum for the dinosaurs and the Science Museum for the water table.  We shopped and shopped, with buying little to nothing, on Oxford Street, Regent Street, Kings Road and High Street Kensington.  We learned new verses of Row, Row, Row Your Boat and joined a weekly Monkey Music class.  We saw the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace too many times.  You should see our kid march.  We toured the Tower of London, my favorite attraction in London, and ventured to Borough Market, Chris’s favorite attraction, full of yummy cheeses and a pig’s head.  We walked across the London Bridge, saw the beautiful Tower Bridge, checked out the quaint Neal’s Yard, tried to force Reed to sit with the lion statues at Trafalgar Square, saw the clock tower that houses Big Ben and listened to Big Ben ringing on the hour, and saw the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey.  We took in the exhibits at The British Museum, which includes the Rosetta Stone and many mummies.  We strolled our still somewhat sick toddler down Portobello Road for the famous Saturday market and saw sights from one of my favorite movies, Notting Hill.  Lauren came to visit, yay for company!!  Chris and Lauren rode the London Eye.  We went to Paris, saw the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, toured the Louvre, went on a water cruise in the Seine and shopped on Champs de Elysees.  I got sick…..and so did Reed again……..and so did Chris a week later.  Fun times.  We walked by the former residence of Benjamin Franklin.  We toured Windsor Castle, which houses a dollhouse with running toilets!  We toured Westminster Abbey just a week or two before the wedding.  Stonehenge and Bath!  We toured the Cotswolds, probably our favorite area outside of London.  It is so beautiful!  We were here for all the Royal Wedding craziness and I even got to see the couple on the way to the church and on the way back, very cool!  Reed and I attended the premiere of Water for Elephants where I got to see Reese and Robert up close (I’ve still yet to see the movie).  We’ve picnicked in Hyde Park, which has been the sight of much golf playing and football throwing for Reed and Chris.  We toured Oxford and Oxford University as well as William Shakespeare’s home in Stratford-upon-Avon.  We visited with the Crowell Family in their neck of the woods.  My parents and brother came to visit.  We toured around London.  We went to Sandwich, nothing to see there and then we went to Scotland.  The boys played lots and lots of golf and we enjoyed the sights, which included Palace at Holyroodhouse, St. Andrews Golf Course, Edinburgh Castle and the ruins of the St. Andrews Cathedral as well as many others.  Chris and I had a date night and we went to see In the Forest Dark and Deep starring Matthew Fox.  He dissed me outside.  No celebrity craziness for me anymore.  Reed and I rode the London Eye with my mom, saw a makeshift Mickey Mouse that Reed would have nothing to do with and even took in the Changing of the Guard again.  We went to Ireland.  Oh, how we love Ireland.  We drove most of the southern half of the country.  We saw the Blarney Castle, drove the entirety of the Ring of Kerry, visited the Cliffs of Moher and saw both Galway and Dublin.  We will be back.  We took a mini-trip home to visit family and meet sweet babies.  We visited Hampton Court Palace and learned about King Henry VIII’s love for all things food.  “The ladies” came to visit and we had a blast showing them around London.  Reed and I had our first “proper” tea with them at The Wolseley.  We all, including “the ladies”, strutted our stuff across Abbey Road like The Beatles.  The Carlocks came to London.  Chris and Teal attended the British Open, his first ever time at a pro golf event, in Sandwich.  We visited Borough Market again.  Headed a little way out of town to see Kew Gardens.  We straddled the Prime Meridian Line, 0˚.  We toured St. Paul’s Cathedral where Princess Diana and Prince Charles were married.  It is stunning.  We went to the Museum of London and the gift shop at the Transport Museum of London (I am terrible at finding souvenirs, ugh.).  We visited Hampstead Heath.  We started Couch Potato to 5K.  We are going to miss running in Hyde Park/Kensington Gardens.  We toured the replica of Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre.  We lunched in Neal’s Yard.  We toured Kensington Palace.  And last, but certainly not least, we toured the home of the Queen of England, Buckingham Palace.  What a great way to end our trip! 

And that’s it folks, our time in London in a nutshell.  It has certainly been a once in a lifetime experience that we wouldn’t trade for anything.  We hope our kid will remember at least some of it (I’m betting on the marching part), but we will carry this experience with us forever.  We are so glad that we had this opportunity, but we can’t wait to get home to our house and our family and friends.  It has been good, but it’s time to go and we couldn’t be happier!!!  Love you all!  See you on the other side of the Atlantic!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Another day, another palace.

Also on the itinerary for the weekend was a little trip to Neal's Yard to have lunch.  This little spot is situated in the midst of buildings between two streets.  It is a very cute little spot, so we knew we wanted to have lunch there before we left.  It was a nice day to sit outside and enjoy munching on some yummy food and taking in the London atmosphere that we will miss.

The living art wall at The National Gallery, very cool!

And, we made a little pit stop at the Horse Guards so that Reed could check out the "horsies".  He was not happy when we had to leave.

On Sunday, we toured Kensington Palace.  Since the palace is currently under construction, I presume preparing for the 2012 Olympics, they have transformed the palace into what you could call an art project.  There were seven different princesses represented in the palace with a different theme for each room related to something about her.  Diana was even represented, which I was a little surprised by.  How could they not put her in there though?  We, unfortunately didn't catch a glimpse of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge who are planning to live at Kensington Palace when they are in London.  Unfortunately, my pictures are just too dark too share, and frankly, I don't even know what they represent.  I was being a pretty bad tourist on this day (I may have said this before.  I guess I am becoming worse as our impending departure nears.).

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Parting is such sweet sorrow.

Another must see before we returned to the States was Shakespeare's Globe Theatre.  We took the opportunity to go there for a tour last weekend.  While it isn't on the exact site where the Globe actually sat, it is so very cool to imagine the plays of Shakespeare being put on in a theatre such as the one we toured.  The most interesting thing we heard on the tour was that the audience members who could afford seats would often eat an orange and then put the peel under their nose to mask the smell coming from the groundlings.  I think not going to see one of Shakespeare's plays at the Globe Theatre might be a big regret we have from this trip.  I guess we'll put it on our to-do list for if we ever come back to London.

A portion of the exterior of the Globe.

The stage.

The interior.  I never knew that it had an open top.  Very cool!

Looking back toward the Globe while walking across the Thames.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


This little family will be setting foot in the US almost a week early!  We are super pumped to be coming home a little early.  We will be home a week from tomorrow, August 15th, woohoo!! 

Because I am trying to improve my photography skills, I took the opportunity to take a few photos of our little guy (and a few of us) in Kensington Gardens.  We are certainly going to miss having the park so close, but we are soooo looking forward to getting back to our family, friends and home!!

My boys!

Doing a little marching.  It was a fight to get him to look up.  He is very focused on his feet and where he is walking.

Marching again, with a stick as his gun.

Love this, although I wish he was looking at the camera!

Reed and Daddy!

Slide to the side!

Running, his second favorite thing to do after marching.

A different day but still so cute!


Saturday, August 6, 2011

The First and Last.

This will hopefully be the first and last time that he breaks a golf club, but this cannot be guaranteed.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

London Sights.

This weekend was another weekend full of London sightseeing adventures.  On Saturday we headed over to St. Paul's Cathedral, where Princess Diana and Prince Charles were married, followed by a trip to the Museum of London and a quick stop in the gift shop at the London Transport Museum.  After our Sunday plans of touring Buckingham Palace were squashed by a crazy long line, we opted to take the tube north to Hampstead Heath for lunch and a little walk through the massive park there.  All in all it was a great but packed weekend.  I am sure that's how the remainder of our weekends will go, but it is worth it if we get home and don't feel like we missed seeing something when we had the chance.

St. Paul's Cathedral

So beautiful inside and out!
And yes, that's about it for pictures from our busy weekend.  I was obviously not being such a good tourist during these outings.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Must. See. Movies.

For me, that is.  There are two movies coming out very soon that I really want to see.  They just so happen to both include Emma Stone, so I figured it would big no big deal to include them together even though they are very different.  The first movie that I want to see is Crazy Stupid Love.  It does look like a decently good movie, but it has Noah Calhoun Ryan Gosling in it who is looking really good.  The second movie is The Help, which I highly recommend reading the book, but the movie looks really good as well.  I hope to see these shortly after they come out, maybe even in the theater.  Let's see how long it takes me to see both movies.

Crazy Stupid Love

The Help