
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Sweet baby and her baby!

"Everything okay, baby?"
"Want something to eat?"

Such a big girl!

And just a few more of this cutie!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Pumpkin Patch!

Head back over to Carson's 15 month post for some more adorableness!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Pumpkin Carving!

After church on Sunday we headed home to carve our pumpkins. Reed grabbed one handful of goo before he was done. Carson, just like Reed when he was this age, loved getting a little lick of pumpkin off her spoon. Hilarious! Towards the end, she was even trying to take a bite of the pumpkin. Too funny!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Carson - 15 Months!

Oh, Carson Blaire, surely you aren't 15 months. I literally have mini-freakouts when someone asks me how old you are and I have to say 15 months. You are pretty much a big girl now. I know you aren't really a big girl, but you are in so many ways.

Height: 32 inches (90th percentile)
Weight: 21 lbs. (25th percentile)

At 15 Months:
  • She pretty much loathes being in her car seat. If she isn't screaming and fighting to not be strapped in her seat, she is screaming because she is in her seat. Of course, she doesn't do this every time. If she did, we would go insane. 
  • She is a feisty little thing. (I am pretty sure I write this every month.) She love, loves to say 'no'.
  • She loves to take a bath. She literally sprints to the bathroom when she hears the water running.
  • She also loves to run around naked after bath. She is too funny!
  • She loves to read. Her favorite books remain Moo, Baa, La, La, La, Very Hungry Caterpillar and Brown Bear, Brown Bear. She also loves Each Peach Pear Plum.
  • She continues to love socks. She already had socks on this morning and still brought me a pair of Reed's socks wanting to put them on.
  • She is constantly repeating way we say and is picking up new words daily. In addition to Mama, Dada, Bubba (occasionally Bubbie), Nana, Mike Mike, and Kath, she says hi, bye bye, hi-ya (we can thank her Ninja Turtle lovin' brother for that one), up, go, her favorite 'no', nigh-nigh.
  • She can make the sounds of a cow, sheep, duck, cat and horse.
  • She loves all of Reed's toys. Anything he has, she wants it.
  • She loves to throw things away. She opens the drawer, tosses stuff in, and then closes the drawer again. We better keep an eye on our stuff around her. ; )
  • She loves all fruits, rarely any veggies, cereal and granola bars, and squeeze yogurts. She is a decent eater, but she could certainly eat better. She has also started to chunk food across the room that she isn't interested in eating. Dear.
  • She is becoming interested in coloring. If she sees her brother pull out the crayons, she points and requests to color as well. I feel like it was just last year that Reed started enjoying coloring, so she is definitely wanting to do it sooner.
  • She loves to dance. She immediately starts busting a move when she hears music. Love her and her dancing moves so!
  • She loves to give kisses and even makes an "mmmm" sound when she gives them.
  • She will occasionally sit down to watch TV with Reed. Sometimes she points to it in request that we turn it on and then watches it for a quick second before be-bopping off to play with her toys.
  • She loves to tote her baby doll around, give it hugs and kisses.
  • She recently starting having mini tantrums if we won't let her do what she wants to do....such as brushing her teeth all day long, which she loves to do. If we do use a stern voice with her, she will sometimes get upset and stick her bottom lip out and cry. Sweet girl. Unfortunately, trying to bite her brother or pull his hair, is a reason to get in trouble.
  • She loves to feed herself with a fork and spoon. We gave her yogurt with a spoon recently and she, of course, had it all over herself. But she loved every minute of it. She also requests a utensil every time she eats and she is surprisingly good with them.


Friday, October 3, 2014

Fun times!

Unfortunately, Carson has hand, foot and mouth this week. She has been super cranky and clingy. Other than giving her a dose of ibuprofen, there isn't much else we can do for her. : ( Good for her though, when brother had a Popsicle last night I didn't hesitate but for a second to give her one as well. She loved it and only wanted to hold it herself. Such a big girl!

Reed requested Chris take his picture and this is still the best we got. 

We also had a little fun playing dress up in Reed's room yesterday afternoon.

Meet Darth Vader!