
Monday, May 18, 2009

26 Weeks!

As of today, I am 26 weeks pregnant! Wow, only 14 weeks remaining! As of this week our little guy weighs a pound and two-thirds and is approximately 14 inches long. The network of nerves in his ears are better developed and more sensitive than before. He may be able to hear both my voice and Chris' voice as we talk to each other. He is also inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of his lungs. These breathing movements are good practice for when he's born and takes his first gulp of air. He also continues to put on baby fat.

Before we get to the belly pic for this week, I have a favor to ask those of you who read the blog who live in the Rome, GA or Atlanta, GA area. Due to the uncertainty of where Chris and I will move when we leave Boston, I need to find an OB/GYN in both Atlanta and Rome. Therefore, I need your help in picking the right OB/GYN for us. I have received several recommendations for Atlanta, but I still need Rome recommendations. Please send me any information that you might have about OB/GYNs in Rome and Atlanta. I really would appreciate it. Negative comments are welcomed as well, so that I know who to steer clear of. Feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of this post or send me an email at with your recommendations. Thanks so much! Now, for the 26 week belly pic.......

This could possibly be the last time that I will be able to wear my Red Sox shirt!