
Monday, April 27, 2009


23 weeks today! We are slowly but surely creeping our way to the date when we will meet Baby J. As of 23 weeks, Baby J is more than 11 inches long and weighs over a pound. says that his sense of movement is well developed by now, so he is able to recognize my movements, even feel me dance. Blood vessels in his lungs are developing to prepare for breathing and the sounds that his increasingly keen ears pick up are preparing for entry into the outside world. In light of all these developments, Baby J has now become so foreceful with his movements that we can see my belly move as he moves. Very exciting, especially for Chris who obviously couldn't sense his movements quite as well as I could.

As for me, well, I'll just let you see for yourself. The "whoa" from the post title refers to what you are about to see below...................................

Where did that come from? Maybe it's the shirt? Yeah, it's the shirt, lol! Baby J is obviously still squished in my lower abdomen.

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