
Thursday, April 16, 2009

22 Week Checkup (Although we all know I won't hit 22 weeks until Monday though.)

Today I had my 22 week checkup. I saw a new doctor today because this particular practice likes for you to see all of the doctors just in case my doctor is not on call when I go into labor. I definitely missed not seeing my doctor, but these visits are so quick and easy that it really doesn’t matter who you see. This visit was no different than my previous few visits, which have all consisted of checking my urine for sugar, weighing, taking my blood pressure and then listening to Baby J’s heartbeat. Listening to his heartbeat is definitely the highlight of these visits. It was a solid 150 today. Both my urine and my blood pressure were fine, however, there might be a weight problem.

Ugh, I guess I should have been expecting the scale to jump a good amount, because since my last visit 4 weeks ago Chris and I spent a week in Georgia with lots of home cooked meals and eating out and we haven’t been quite as diligent as we normally are about cooking healthy meals. You all have definitely been deceived by my belly pics. I have gained almost 6 pounds in 4 weeks!!! Yes, 6 pounds. So ridiculous! As of this visit, I have gained a total of 10.6 pounds. Obviously, if I gain one pound per week from here on out, then I will pushing weight gain of 29 pounds. Now, I know that this is perfectly healthy, but I am just concerned about having another 6 pound month. It CANNOT happen. Chris and I have got to get back on the healthy train and fast!

Other than the weight gain, everything else looks great and is progressing normally. The doctor even measured my belly for the first time today and he said that I am around 22cm, which is right on for where I am in the pregnancy. So, until next time, Baby J will just continue to grow big and strong. I am sincerely dreading my next visit in 4 weeks which will consist of the fun glucose test to test for gestational diabetes. They gave me the orange drink today at the doctor’s office to take home with me. It makes me a little nauseous just looking at it, lol!

1 comment:

  1. girl you are killing me obsessing over your weight gain while you are pregnant!
