
Thursday, March 5, 2009

15 Weeks

As of Monday, I am now 15 weeks pregnant. It is pretty crazy how fast the weeks are flying by! There isn’t too much to report this week. The baby appears to be growing continuously as my waistline is also continuing to grow. I put on a pair of pants this week that I wore last week that no longer fit. I broke down and ordered a few pairs of maternity pants for work and finally took my maternity jeans to get hemmed. I will be all decked out in maternity wear before I know it.

The insomnia has continued! And, unfortunately, I don’t just wake up at 4 am every morning. It has now become varying times during the evening. I never know when I am going to have to wake up to pee and then wake up to toss and turn until the alarm goes off. These two have coincided several times this week. I am getting somewhat used to it and you can bet that I will make sure to make time for my weekend naps. Growing a person is hard work and adequate rest is required, lol!

This week, the baby is now 4 inches long from crown to rump and weighs approximately 2 ½ ounces. He/she is about the size of an apple. Its legs are beginning to grow longer than its arms and it is now able to move all of its joints and limbs. Even though the baby’s eyelids are still fused shut, it can sense light. They say that if you were to shine a flashlight at my stomach the baby would probably turn away from the light. I don’t think we will try this out since we can’t actually see the baby’s reaction and it just seems like unnecessary torture.

We only have 14 days until we are able to find out the sex of Baby J. I can’t wait to refer to the baby as he or she. It seems that the poll of what you all think the gender of the baby is going to be is starting to even out, which really makes perfect sense since there is a 50/50 chance of us having a boy or a girl. I guess you all are going to get it right!

Pictures will be posted later!

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