
Friday, September 19, 2008

Did someone say frost?

As I was watching TV yesterday morning, I overheard the weather guy mention, you guessed it, frost. WHAT?!?!? Frost being mentioned in mid-September cannot be a good thing. Besides the fact that Chris and I have been sleeping with our windows open for the past few months while our Georgia peeps are still blasting their A/C still has not prepared us for the quickly approaching winter. I have to admit that I really do enjoy fall weather. I like getting back into the long sleeve shirts and sweaters but it really is too early to start that.

Last night we decided that we would close our windows just a bit so that we didn’t freeze to death. The low last night was supposed to be in the 40s. It ended up not being too cold with the windows open but I knew that it was cold outside this morning, so I wore a long sleeve shirt to work with a sweater over it. And…..I was still cold when I went outside. This could have something to do with the fact that I chose to wear sandals on the first semi-cold day we’ve had. Or it could be that the temperature in Boston as I type this is 49 degrees. I believe the high is going to reach 60 today, so it should end up being a pleasant day. But, it looks like winter is a coming. I hope all those who are still enjoying the warm weather aren’t taking it for granted. If you are, just think of me and Chris who will have to break out our big coats, scarves, gloves and hats sooner rather than later.

Hopefully it will be a free more months before we see this again!!

1 comment:

  1. I definitely won't be envying your winter weather. Next year you’ll get to enjoy the GA fall weather with us!
