
Monday, September 19, 2011

The Dietrichs drop into town!

We had the awesome opportunity to see our cousins Hayley, Hagan, and Hudson who made the trek down from Tennessee to go the American Girl store at Northpoint Mall the weekend.  Reed, Chris and I had planned to meet them there, because how ridiculously cute would it have been to have a picture of Reed and Hudson hanging out in an all pink and red store?  Unfortunately, it was nearly impossible to get a reservation for 6 there, so we opted out.  Maybe next time?  Instead of heading to the girlie store, we met them for the afternoon at Fernbank.  The main reason for going there was to give Reed a little bit of a dinosaur fix.  He loves them so much and just wanted to stare at them the entire time we were there.  There were a few other cool exhibits at the museum as well that we checked out, but it was all about the dinosaurs for Reed.  We had such a great time seeing them and hope that we see them again very soon.  Love you guys!

While we were still eating lunch at the cafe, Reed was way too preoccupied with the dinosaurs just outside the door.  We told him that he could go out there as long as we could still see him.  He would walk a few feet and turn around to check to see if we could see him.  So cute!


And another "wow".

The Kiddos!

Hudson requested that I take his picture with the dinosaur.  Unfortunately, I only got the dinosaur's arms, but I thought it was an adorable picture of Hudson.

At least Hagan was ready, lol!

Just hanging out in the boat!


The Dinosaur Family

Too cute pic of Hagan!

1 comment:

  1. Reed is starting to look SO MUCH like's amazing!! He's adorable :) and so big!
