So, I started writing this really long blog about my disappointment over the lack of attendance at my high school reunion, but I think I will just move past it without airing all of the issues on here. Because the most important part is I had a wonderful time with the people who actually wanted to be there and that's what matters.
I know there are those of you who read this blog who don't plan or didn't attend your high school reunion, this is certainly not a jab at you! I promise! However, I do encourage you to attend because you might find out that things are actually a lot better now that we are not in high school anymore! I say postpone your vacation one day, forgo getting in bed early because of an early start to the next day, miss that event that there will be more of, come even if you don't think the food is any good (even though it really was), come alone if your significant other can't come and do anything you can to take some time to show that you care and are interested in the lives of those you grew up with.
Amen, sister! We didn't even have one..for crying out loud!!!