
Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Long Awaited Reunion

There are actually two reunions going on this weekend with the most important of the two being that I get to see my wonderful husband after 3 long weeks apart. I am so excited to be able to see his face instead of just hearing his voice! We are going on 6 weeks living apart and time is starting to drag. He only has 4 more weeks of work and then we can return back to being a married couple who actually lives together. I can't wait!

Also this weekend, I am attending the wedding of Heather Rogers, a close high school friend, and Mark Lawrence. The wedding will be the second semi-reunion of the weekend, as I am sure that there will be many old friends from high school there. Not old as in age old, but old as in, I don't see or talk to them as much as I used to or would like to. I am looking forward to seeing and catching up with everyone that I haven't seen in a while as well as celebrating the marriage of Heather and Mark. It should be a good time and I will be there with Chris, so it can't get much better than that! Below are a few fun pictures of Chris to give you some examples of why I miss him so much (I am sure he won't appreciate me adding to the blog, but I just have to because I miss these funny faces). Love you honey!

And....just so he cuts me a little slack for posting these, my own ridiculousness below.

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