Let me just start by saying that Reed is absolutely 100% NOT potty trained. The kid flat out refuses to go to the potty. He did, however, go for a very short stint, which made us think he was well on his way to being potty-trained, but he got over that quickly.
Last week I read someone’s Facebook status where they were discussing that their kid was fully potty trained just a week prior and now refuses to go. He just wants a diaper. Is it possible that these kids, including mine, are coming to the realization that their life of constant reckless abandon will be no more? Life is certainly easier if you don’t have to think about making it to the potty before your pee or poop.
So, for now, I will let Reed continue on with his life of reckless abandon for a short while longer and then it’s diapers no more. He won’t be happy with us, but he’ll survive, and he’ll be happy later on in life when he isn’t 25 years old and still wearing a diaper. That probably wouldn’t go over well with a girlfriend or any friend for that matter.
Hey. Check out www.3daypottytraining.com I used this method on Sophie and Jack and it worked like a charm! Sophie was much more resistant( sounds kind of like how you're describing Reed) and took a little longer than 3 days, but it still worked. Dont worry!! He will be fine:)