
Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend!

We spent this Thanksgiving in Summerville with our families.  It was a great time hopping from one family gathering to another.  Reed was such a trooper going without a nap until 4 in the afternoon!  We are so very blessed to have a wonderful family, we have so much to be thankful for! 

I opted for no shopping on Black Friday, which I believe is the first time I have ever skipped.  We took a spur of the moment trip to Nashville on Saturday and Sunday with my Mom and Grandmother.  We did a little shopping, a tour of celeb homes navigated by me (lol), and a trip to the Opryland Hotel to look at the beautiful Christmas decorations.  Chris and I headed to Tootsie's after leaving Reed for the night with our babysitters!  We appreciated the chance to get out for a little bit!  We all really enjoyed Nashville.  I definitely want to go back.

You can't get much cuter than this!
Playing in the leaves.
Emme and Reed playing golf while the big kids played football.
Family pic at Barbara and Guinn's house.  Reed wasn't as cooperative this year.
Family Pic.....This is the first time we've done this, not sure why.  I think it should definitely be a yearly tradition!
Reed and I riding the train at the Opryland Hotel.
Jo, Nana and Reed on the boat.
A very cool old sign, that just so happens to have Reed's name on it.
Did anyone catch this photo of Jake Gyllenhal and Taylor Swift?  I took it. 

Okay, just kidding.  I didn't take it, I didn't see them.  I wish I had.  But, we did go to this place and it was yummy.

After opting out of standing in the long line at the Pancake Pantry, we headed over to Fido a block away to grab breakfast.  This is where Taylor and Jake were spotted the day before.  We were just a day late.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy 50th Birthday Mom!

Yesterday my Mom turned 50 years young!  Reed and I drove to her work to surprise her for lunch.  She was super excited when we walked into her office.  She works at Georgia Power which allowed Reed to do one of his favorite things, pretend to drive a truck.  He was too cute!  They even gave him a hard hat.  After a little playing, we headed to downtown Cedartown for yummy sandwiches.  Thanks to Brandi for going with us to lunch and for covering for my Mom while she played with Reed!! 

It was great to be able to see my Mom on her day!  Mom, I hope you had a wonderful birthday!  We love you very, very much!

Happy Birthday Nana!

Reed "driving" a big truck.

He loved the hat, he just had a hard time keeping it on.

Doing a little bit of work, lol!

Reed loved the pickles at lunch.  He only made a sour face a few times.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Getting a little crafty!

So, I have to admit that I am not the most crafty person ever.  I am not one to come up with great craft ideas on my own, however, I am pretty good at following instructions.  Take the two projects below for example.

Christmas Wreath.....

I saw this post on High Heeled Foot in the Door and knew that I had to try to make a wreath myself.  I have a hard time going into stores and finding just the right Christmas decorations.  I mean, there are so many options that it makes it difficult to choose.  This project allowed me to just do my own thing and give me a chance to say that I actually made it.  The tutorial that I used can be found on this site.  I really enjoyed the outcome of this wreath, although I gave myself a headache staring at the yarn while I was wrapping it around the wreath.  The total cost of this project was around $10, not bad, right?

Chair Rehab....

I have been dying to try my hand at reupholstering a chair.  I have read about how easy it is, so I couldn't wait to try it myself.  It required the purchase of a staple gun, which I opted for the more expensive one since I figured I would be reupholstering chairs on a regular basis, lol!  I found the chair below at A Classy Flea in Marietta.  It was only $10.  I figured I should jump on it since it was so cheap.  And, if I ruined it with my first chair makeover project, it wouldn't be the end of the world since it was so cheap.  The total cost for this project was around $25.  It is currently sitting in our little nook of an office outside of our kitchen.  It looks great there!

Definitely not the best looking chair I've ever seen but certainly worth $10.

A little better picture of the fabric.  I actually think this color chair might have worked perfectly if they had chosen a better pattern for the fabric.  It made it look blah.

Ta da!  I spray painted it black and reupholstered the seat with some fabric that I got from the Fabric and Fringe Warehouse.

Even Reed likes it!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A big, huge, GIANT leap!

We are moving to London!!!!!   Yes, that's right, Reed, Chris and I will be moving to London in February.  But, have no fear, we will only be there until August.  Chris's company offers an amazing opportunity for some consultants to work in another office for 6 months.  Having never been to Europe, we figured London was the right place for us to try out.  We will be doing lots of travelling in Europe while there, so feel free to send travel recommendations our way.  And, as excited as we were to have visitors in Florida and Boston, we will be even more excited for the visitors who choose to fly across the Atlantic to see us!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

A Day at the Zoo

No, I am not referring to a regular day at our house, I am talking about Reed's first trip to Zoo Atlanta.  Reed did not like getting close to the animals at all.  The first animal that we saw was a warthog that was standing right by the glass.  Reed wasn't too thrilled about getting too close to it.  It wasn't as if he was crying when he saw the animals, he was just cautious.

"Hmm, that thing looks a little too interesting for me."
"Maybe it won't hurt to get a little closer."
Of course he would find a stick to play with.
Giraffe cute!
He was also a little cautious with the Willie B. statue.
Brick and Reed in a bird's nest, not a real one of course.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Reed's Favorite Video

Reed absolutely loves Elmo, as I mentioned in his 14 month post.  He loves to watch Sesame Street on TV and the We All Sing Together DVD from Sesame Street.  His absolute favorite has to be Elmo singing about his ducks.  We were introduced to this video by our sweet niece Karlie.  It is too cute.  Reed will dance and snap his fingers when he watches it.  I recommend this for anyone who has little kiddos.  And, if you don't have kiddos, I recommend watching it at least once.  I guarantee you will think it's cute too!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Chris!

Happy Birthday to Chris!  Today, Chris is 31.  I think this age change is hurting me worse than it is hurting him, lol!  He claims that it's because I am about to be 30, but oh no, I still have another year before that! 

Chris is such an awesome husband and father and Reed and I are so blessed to have him in our lives.  We are so appreciative of how hard he works to provide for us, which allows me to stay home with our silly little boy.  He is such an amazing role model for our little boy, who loves him so very much and squeals with delight every time he walks in the door.  We look forward to spending many more birthdays with him!

Happy Birthday to the man who is willing to sacrifice sleep to spend more time with us, take me to random concerts that he might be embarrassed to say he went to, and run around and around our house chasing Reed!  You are the BEST!!!  We love you very much!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Our Little Puppy - Halloween 2010

Although Chris had a great idea for Reed to be a golfer this year, I opted for the easier Pottery Barn Kids costume of a puppy.  And, Reed was absolutely adorable.  Maybe I'll get started on the golfer costume now for next year.

We had a pretty busy Halloween weekend.  On Friday night, we attended Graham's 80s themed 30th birthday party.  We opted for going grunge as our costume, I know, what a lack of imagination, but it worked.  There were some very good costumes though.

Our little puppy dressed up on both Saturday and Sunday nights.  We headed to Summerville on Saturday afternoon for Reed to be able to trick or treat with our families.  He was as cute as ever and never gave his costume a hard time.  He did pull on the ears a little bit when we first put it on him, but then I think he started to enjoy having it on.  Sunday night, we were back in our neighborhood for a pizza party.  We opted to forgo trick or treating this year with Reed.  We didn't want to go around asking for candy for ourselves, lol!  Reed very much enjoyed passing out the candy at our house though.  He squealed every time someone came to the door.

Cutest Puppy Ever!

Silly Boy!

The puppy was not into sitting down and having his picture made.

But, we tried.

Reed with all the neighborhood kiddos.  He refused to sit down with them.


As grunge as we get, lol!

Chris with the Graham aka Vanilla Ice.  Happy Birthday Graham!

Luke Perry made an appearance at the party.  I love Luke Perry!

Monday, November 1, 2010

14 Months!

Our little guy is already 14 months old!  I feel like I say it every month, but he is growing up way too fast!  He is a such a special little boy and we enjoy every minute with him, even those cranky moments!

Height: Appoximately 32 inches

At 14 Months:

  • Reed is a nonstop talker.  He will basically repeat everything we say.  He loves to say ball, golf, mama, dada, book, and baby (my favorite word to hear him say).  He will say Mike Mike, Kath, Nana, Granddaddy (pronounced "gundah"), Marc, Karlie (Kar Kar), Chattooga (Tooga tooga), blue (boo), catch, throw and many, many more.
  • He can make the sounds of a cow (frequently used when at Chick-fil-a), a cat, a lion, and a dog.
  • When I go to get him from his crib in the morning he smiles and then immediately stands up and says "book" and then he points to the car on his wall and says "car".  So cute!
  • He loves Elmo.  What kid doesn't?
  • He has started throwing his food and the kid has an arm, so unfortunately we have food across the room sometimes.  He has also been working at getting better using the spoon on his own.  He will take a few bites, but then he just prefers to play with it.  We'll get there eventually.
  • This kid loves Chick-fil-A, I mean, he is our kid, lol!  He can basically eat an entire chicken breast on his own.  He also loves seeing the cows there.  He mooed the first five minutes we were there yesterday.  He also begs for my cup when he sees the cows on it.
  • He absolutely loves airplanes.  If he hears a plane, he will point to the sky and try to find it.  Just recently, he has started calling them cars, lol!  I am working on helping him tell the difference.
  • He has all four of his molars in now, although they still seem to be bothering him, because he has his fingers in his mouth all the time.
  • He has started to sit down when we ask him to.  He even does the backing up thing when he wants to sit in our laps and read books. 
  • He thinks that giving someone a kiss just means making the muah sound.  Too cute!  He will give us a kiss every now and then.
  • He shocked us by not being bothered at all by his Halloween costume.  He pulled on the ears of his hat a little bit but then he didn't bother them anymore.
  • He is a little monkey, but we love him!
  • He loves being outside.  And, he especially loves it when the kids next door come out to play.  He chases them around and laughs hysterically at them.
  • He absolutely does not sleep very well unless he is in his bed.  If we stay the night away from home, he always ends up in the bed with us which is very unfortunate.  Unfortunately, it isn't very fun for any of us.  The days of him snuggling at night are over....he never stops moving throughout the night.
  • He has a book of baby's first words and he will turn from page to page and point at each picture and wants us to tell him what it is.
  • He is a little dancer.  If music is playing then he is dancing!
14 Months!

We are now at the age where we listen to mommy when she says sit down.  Thank goodness!

Silly goose!  He loved rocking in the rocking chair.

This is basically how his room looks all the time.  No books allowed on the cubbies.  They have to all be out!

And, a little Halloween sneak before the Halloween post!