
Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today, I turned the big 2-7. I have to admit that I am not very excited about my new age. I feel old. It isn't that I think anyone who is older than 27 is old (except maybe Chris, lol), but I am just not liking this increase in age. I am sure I will get over it within the week, but I need a few days to recover. While I am a little bummed about being a year older, my husband did surprise me with Footloose and Flashdance on DVD this morning. So excited! Love you!

On a completely different note.....I have been listening to Nickelback's new song "Gotta Be Somebody" and thinking that the chorus sounds very similar to another song I know. I have been racking my brain trying to think of the song, but every time I hear the chorus I can only sing it and not the song that it is similar too. The one thing that kept popping into my mind is the final scene from Teen Witch. I know a lot of you have probably never even set your eyes on the wonderfulness of Teen Witch, but it is a goodie. I honestly have no other reasoning behind this movie coming to mind except to think that maybe the songs are similar. This weekend, I decided to do a little bit of research....and I think I may have found my match.

Below is the final scene from Teen Witch set to the song "Finest Hour". Besides the fact that I think I found my match (make sure you watch through the chorus), seeing this scene made me smile. I know, cheesy, but it really did make me happy to just see a snippet of a movie that I love so much.
Below is Nickelback's song "Gotta Be Somebody". What do think? Are the choruses similar? I think they are close enough to claim that I have found my match.


  1. I think you are right about the songs. I heard the Nickelback song on the way to work today, definitely sounds the same. It makes me wonder, do you think Nickelback was sitting around watching Teen Witch and got the idea for the song?!?!
