Now that our long Thanksgiving break is coming to an end, it is time to get back to reality, unfortunately. We have spent the past few days sleeping late, hanging out with friends, and eating way too much food. We are spoiled and it is going to be hard to go back to school/work tomorrow. I could get used to this kind of life, that is for sure.
While spending our first Thanksgiving away from family was a little sad, we were able to spend it with two of our very good friends here in Boston, Teal and Laren Carlock. We are very thankful to have them as friends and were excited to spend Thanksgiving with them. Even though I had my fears, our Thanksgiving meal turned out to be wonderful! Chris and I made my Grandmother's ham, Jo's dressing (no, not stuffing), rice, green beans and chocolate pie while the Carlocks provided the turkey, candied yams, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie. We had way too much food for four people so we all ate it several times throughout the weekend. Our refrigerator is still packed with food.
After our big meal, we spent the afternoon playing the Wii. Later in the evening, we made our way to Abbey and Luke Fuszard's for dessert. Abbey had picked up pumpkin pie and apple pie. Laren and I were too stuffed to eat, so Teal and Chris ate some for us. While there, we got to watch the end of Home Alone, which is a great way to kick off the holiday season.
Thanksgiving in Boston was a lot of fun and it certainly was an adventure to cook all of the food ourselves, but we do look forward to spending next Thanksgiving in Georgia with family and friends.
Now, onto the crazy part of the weekend.....I had mentioned earlier in the week to Teal and Laren that the outlets were going to be opening at midnight on Thanksgiving. I thought it would be somewhat of an adventure to go shopping in the middle of the night but upon recommendation from Kim McWhorter, I decided that I would be okay waiting until a few days after Black Friday. Well, the Carlocks seemed really excited about Midnight Madness, so we decided to make our way down to Wrentham, which is 45 minutes from Boston, around midnight. We had no idea what we were in for. We got within 2 1/2 miles from the exit for the outlets and traffic came to a standstill. I would say that it probably took us at least 30 minutes to make it to the exit but there was no possible way that we could get off at the exit. We proceeded to the next exit where we turned around to try the other side of the exit. It wasn't much better. Needless to say, our midnight outlet shopping trip was nothing more than driving to Wrentham and turning around, lol! Next time someone suggests the Midnight Madness event, I can give them a first hand account of reasons not to go.
We did end up getting some shopping in on Friday at the Natick Mall and at the Wrentham Outlets, much later than our original trip. The outlets were much more tame when we arrived at 7 pm. I honestly didn't buy a thing but Chris did find a few things at J.Crew. I am glad that we experienced the craziness that was Midnight Madness but I spent the rest of the weekend trying to recover from our late night drive.
The rest of our weekend was spent doing a lot of resting, watching Georgia Tech beat UGA for the first time since my freshman year in college, and buying a Christmas tree, which we plan to decorate tonight. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family! Now, we can look forward to the Christmas season!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Congrats to the new parents!
I just wanted to send out a quick congratulations to Adam and Elizabeth Cowart who welcomed Samson into their family on Saturday. I know they are excited to start their new life as a family of three!

Isn't he cute?!?!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Brrrr........The cold is here!
It was a nice and cold weekend in Boston. The nice part of weekend came from getting to spend it with good friends.
Friday evening we met up with Graham, Kim and Natalie McWhorter for dinner and a little bit of Wii competition. Shortly after Chris got his Wii he told Graham that he would beat him at any game on the Wii, so of course we had to get together to settle the duel. I honestly can't say who won or at what game but I know that we had a great time. Graham and Kim's baby girl Natalie is a cutie! Which makes me think….maybe she is the reason I wasn’t as tuned into the Wii playing as I could have been.
On Saturday we attended the 125th playing of The Game featuring Harvard and Yale. Chris and I went to The Game last year in New Haven, but it was much nicer to have The Game played at home this year. If you are wondering, yes, they do call this particular game of the season The Game. The Game is the oldest and third-most-played college football rivalry (from Wikipedia). I think it is probably always the most important game of the season for Harvard and probably the only game of the year when the stadium is packed.
We got up around 9 and headed to an early morning tailgate. Saturday was probably the coldest day that we have had thus far, so Chris and I made sure to bundle up and prepare for the cold. Thank goodness HBS had the thought to put up tents for us. This worked wonders for keeping the feeling in our toes and hands and everywhere else. At noon, it was time to head inside the stadium to the game. We had nosebleed seats, if that is possible in such a stadium, where we were packed in like sardines with about 50 other people from Chris’ section.
The rest of the weekend wasn’t too eventful. Teal and Laren came over for dinner on Saturday night, and, of course, we got more Wii playing time in. Sunday was a lazy day consisting of shopping for food for Thanksgiving and doing laundry.
Stay tuned for the blunders of cooking Thanksgiving dinner for ourselves for the first time. Hopefully it will go off without a hitch! Wish us luck, lol!
Friday evening we met up with Graham, Kim and Natalie McWhorter for dinner and a little bit of Wii competition. Shortly after Chris got his Wii he told Graham that he would beat him at any game on the Wii, so of course we had to get together to settle the duel. I honestly can't say who won or at what game but I know that we had a great time. Graham and Kim's baby girl Natalie is a cutie! Which makes me think….maybe she is the reason I wasn’t as tuned into the Wii playing as I could have been.
On Saturday we attended the 125th playing of The Game featuring Harvard and Yale. Chris and I went to The Game last year in New Haven, but it was much nicer to have The Game played at home this year. If you are wondering, yes, they do call this particular game of the season The Game. The Game is the oldest and third-most-played college football rivalry (from Wikipedia). I think it is probably always the most important game of the season for Harvard and probably the only game of the year when the stadium is packed.
We got up around 9 and headed to an early morning tailgate. Saturday was probably the coldest day that we have had thus far, so Chris and I made sure to bundle up and prepare for the cold. Thank goodness HBS had the thought to put up tents for us. This worked wonders for keeping the feeling in our toes and hands and everywhere else. At noon, it was time to head inside the stadium to the game. We had nosebleed seats, if that is possible in such a stadium, where we were packed in like sardines with about 50 other people from Chris’ section.
Erin and I at the tailgate.
Chris and I before heading into The Game.
Harvard and Yale on the field.
Love this pic of us. We don't look cold at all!
The game was less than exciting and it was bitterly cold, so we decided to only stay through halftime. We had to stick around to see the corny halftime show that the bands of Harvard and Yale put on. I remembered it being very odd last year so I wanted to check it out again. They came through with another random performance and so I left the game happy that I could watch ivy leaguers put on a less than stellar halftime show.The rest of the weekend wasn’t too eventful. Teal and Laren came over for dinner on Saturday night, and, of course, we got more Wii playing time in. Sunday was a lazy day consisting of shopping for food for Thanksgiving and doing laundry.
Stay tuned for the blunders of cooking Thanksgiving dinner for ourselves for the first time. Hopefully it will go off without a hitch! Wish us luck, lol!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Weekend in Georgia...Courtesy of Bain
Now that it is already Wednesday, I should probably try to write about our weekend in Georgia before it is too late. This past weekend Chris and I flew to Georgia for Bain’s sell weekend. It was a chance for us to evaluate whether or not Bain is the right fit for us as well as an opportunity for me to meet some people from Bain. We had a great time hanging out with Bain on Saturday and spending time with our families on Sunday.
Chris flew down early on Friday to take part in a few of the office activities and I flew down to Atlanta in the evening. My flight got delayed 2 hours, so I didn’t arrive in Atlanta until after midnight. Needless to say, it was a long evening. I had hoped to get some much needed rest on Friday night, but this didn’t happen. Saturday morning we met a group of people in the hotel for brunch and then headed to the Georgia Aquarium. I really enjoyed the Aquarium more than I thought I would. I could honestly sit and watch the fish all day. I know, slightly weird, but it is very peaceful. Below are a few pics of the fishies.
Sunday we woke up early to make our way to Summerville to visit our families. We have made the scary decision to not come home for Thanksgiving this year, eek, so we wanted to make sure that we saw them for a few hours while we were in Georgia. Chris’ mom cooked brunch for us and my mom cooked an early dinner. Although it was a little chilly outside, Chris, Jeff, and the kids managed to play a game a touch football. I stayed on the sidelines but had a great time watching them play. Doing things like this only reinforces that we should be back in Georgia long-term. I can’t imagine continuing to only see our families sporadically. After the football game, Chris and I went to my parents’ house and spent a few hours with them before we had to head back to the airport. It was a great day; I only wish it could’ve lasted longer. Below are a few pics from the football game.
Chris flew down early on Friday to take part in a few of the office activities and I flew down to Atlanta in the evening. My flight got delayed 2 hours, so I didn’t arrive in Atlanta until after midnight. Needless to say, it was a long evening. I had hoped to get some much needed rest on Friday night, but this didn’t happen. Saturday morning we met a group of people in the hotel for brunch and then headed to the Georgia Aquarium. I really enjoyed the Aquarium more than I thought I would. I could honestly sit and watch the fish all day. I know, slightly weird, but it is very peaceful. Below are a few pics of the fishies.
Whale Shark
Large tank of various fish
One of the Beluga Whales
Saturday night we joined the Bain offerees and current Bain consultants for dinner at Lobby at Twelve. I actually got a chance to hangout with a former roommate of mine, Leslie Gimbel, as well as sorority sister, Casey Taylor, at dinner. It was so great to catch up with the two of them. After dinner, we headed to STATS for drinks. We ended the evening somewhat early because we knew we had an early morning on Sunday.Sunday we woke up early to make our way to Summerville to visit our families. We have made the scary decision to not come home for Thanksgiving this year, eek, so we wanted to make sure that we saw them for a few hours while we were in Georgia. Chris’ mom cooked brunch for us and my mom cooked an early dinner. Although it was a little chilly outside, Chris, Jeff, and the kids managed to play a game a touch football. I stayed on the sidelines but had a great time watching them play. Doing things like this only reinforces that we should be back in Georgia long-term. I can’t imagine continuing to only see our families sporadically. After the football game, Chris and I went to my parents’ house and spent a few hours with them before we had to head back to the airport. It was a great day; I only wish it could’ve lasted longer. Below are a few pics from the football game.
Action Shot
Griffin and Gavin did more of this than they did playing.
Another action shot
Isn't he cute?
Although we have yet to make a decision about the Bain job, we sincerely appreciate them flying us to Georgia for a wonderful weekend that gave us the opportunity to see our families.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Congratulations to the Section F Flag Football Team!
I have to send out a big CONGRATULATIONS to Chris and the Section F Flag Football Team for squeaking by Section I with a last minute touchdown and two point conversion. The final score was 21-20, making Section F the HBS Flag Football Champions of 2008. Congrats!
Section F huddled up and preparing for the next play.
**Thanks Patrick and Patricia for letting me borrow a picture....I hope you don't mind!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Happy Birthday to Me!
Today, I turned the big 2-7. I have to admit that I am not very excited about my new age. I feel old. It isn't that I think anyone who is older than 27 is old (except maybe Chris, lol), but I am just not liking this increase in age. I am sure I will get over it within the week, but I need a few days to recover. While I am a little bummed about being a year older, my husband did surprise me with Footloose and Flashdance on DVD this morning. So excited! Love you!
On a completely different note.....I have been listening to Nickelback's new song "Gotta Be Somebody" and thinking that the chorus sounds very similar to another song I know. I have been racking my brain trying to think of the song, but every time I hear the chorus I can only sing it and not the song that it is similar too. The one thing that kept popping into my mind is the final scene from Teen Witch. I know a lot of you have probably never even set your eyes on the wonderfulness of Teen Witch, but it is a goodie. I honestly have no other reasoning behind this movie coming to mind except to think that maybe the songs are similar. This weekend, I decided to do a little bit of research....and I think I may have found my match.
Below is the final scene from Teen Witch set to the song "Finest Hour". Besides the fact that I think I found my match (make sure you watch through the chorus), seeing this scene made me smile. I know, cheesy, but it really did make me happy to just see a snippet of a movie that I love so much.
On a completely different note.....I have been listening to Nickelback's new song "Gotta Be Somebody" and thinking that the chorus sounds very similar to another song I know. I have been racking my brain trying to think of the song, but every time I hear the chorus I can only sing it and not the song that it is similar too. The one thing that kept popping into my mind is the final scene from Teen Witch. I know a lot of you have probably never even set your eyes on the wonderfulness of Teen Witch, but it is a goodie. I honestly have no other reasoning behind this movie coming to mind except to think that maybe the songs are similar. This weekend, I decided to do a little bit of research....and I think I may have found my match.
Below is the final scene from Teen Witch set to the song "Finest Hour". Besides the fact that I think I found my match (make sure you watch through the chorus), seeing this scene made me smile. I know, cheesy, but it really did make me happy to just see a snippet of a movie that I love so much.
Below is Nickelback's song "Gotta Be Somebody". What do think? Are the choruses similar? I think they are close enough to claim that I have found my match.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Seems like yesterday....
This past weekend Chris and I made the trip down to Georgia for Chris’ 10 year high school reunion. It has been a long time since we (I say we, because we went to the same high school and know all the same people) have seen a lot of the people who Chris graduated with. It was nice to have a night dedicated to hanging out with people who we may or may not see for another 5 or 10 years.
The reunion consisted of three events, the Friday night football game, an afternoon picnic and a party in the evening on Saturday. I decided to only attend the party, but Chris was faithful and went to all of the events. He had a really great time seeing everyone and finding out what his former classmates are up to. I know that I will feel the same way when my reunion rolls around in a few years. Enjoy our fun pics below from the reunion party on Saturday.
I have to give a big shout out to Lauren Jarrett, Christy Hall, and Mary Beth Edwards Housch who helped make the reunion happen. They did a wonderful job putting everything together and making the evening lots of fun! Thank you!
The reunion consisted of three events, the Friday night football game, an afternoon picnic and a party in the evening on Saturday. I decided to only attend the party, but Chris was faithful and went to all of the events. He had a really great time seeing everyone and finding out what his former classmates are up to. I know that I will feel the same way when my reunion rolls around in a few years. Enjoy our fun pics below from the reunion party on Saturday.
I have to give a big shout out to Lauren Jarrett, Christy Hall, and Mary Beth Edwards Housch who helped make the reunion happen. They did a wonderful job putting everything together and making the evening lots of fun! Thank you!
Chris and Me
Lauren (Chris' 1st cousin) and Chris
Courtney and Mary Beth
Laura and Chris
The ever crazy Daniel and Chris
Carol and Josh
Josh, Chris and Daniel
And, just a little old school.....featuring Lauren, Chris and myself.
CHS Prom 1997
CHS Prom 1998
CHS c/o 1998 10 Year Reunion
Last but not least, Christopher's senior picture. He looks like a baby!
Happy Birthday Chris!
I love you and hope you have a great day!
Why do you look so angry? So what if you are 30 minus 1 today, lol!