
Friday, September 25, 2009

Reed's Second Week Recap

One of the main things that happened during Reed's second week was the fact that Chris returned to work, eek! Chris had literally been doing half (or maybe more) of things that needed to be done for Reed, so it was extremely hard to see him go back to work. He didn't return for a full day until that Wednesday so Reed and I had some time to adjust with a few half days. Regardless, it was still so hard to see him go. Reed and I miss Daddy lots when he is at work, but he and I are slowly but surely learning how to do this on our own during the day.

Reed loves his Daddy! He misses him oh so much during the day....and so do I!

We decided that we would no longer swaddle Reed at bedtime during week 2. It became quite cumbersome to swaddle him at bedtime, unswaddle him to change him in the middle of the night and then fight to re-swaddle him after changing him. He really loves him arms and hands, so he hated for us to hold them down and wrap them up in the blanket. Honestly, he slept perfectly fine without being swaddled during the day, so we thought it probably wouldn't hurt to try not swaddling him at night. He has slept pretty much the same being unswaddled as he did being swaddled.

The Miracle Blanket

Unswaddled and on his way to dreamland.

When Reed was 12 days old, Karen Baker came to our house to take Reed's newborn photos which you may have already seen. He did such a great job! He was the perfect little model. He stayed awake for longer than we would've liked, but even when he was awake, he was quite content. He was such a sweetheart. We can't wait to hang the photos up in our place.

A funny story from the photo session.....Karen took some of Reed without his diaper while he was wrapped up in one of his very nice and cozy blankets. He was such a good boy to keep his bladder under control. As soon as I picked him up and unwrapped him from the blanket, he began to pee. There was nothing I could do, so I just held him away from my body a little and let him pee all over our floor. Too funny!

The same day of the newborn photo session, Reed decided to reach down and nearly pull his umbilical cord stump off. It was gross and of course I shrieked "ewwww". Thankfully it didn't hurt him nearly as much as it hurt me, lol! We managed to get it to stay on for the photo shoot, but it fell off on its own later that evening. Chris and I were both thankful that it could finally start healing and stop ruining all his cute onesies. While there have been benefits to it falling off, such as being able to give him a real bath, he has definitely woken up since that day. Now, the pediatrician said that it shouldn't have anything to do with it, but our little guy who hardly ever cried has started having crying fits a few times a day ever since that day. It is probably just coincidence, but I think maybe he just misses the stump, haha!

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