
Monday, June 8, 2009

29 Weeks!

As of today, I am 29 weeks pregnant! Baby J weighs 2 ½ pounds and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain. His bones are soaking up lots of calcium, so I have to be sure to drink plenty of milk. During this trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited into his hardening skeleton each day.

The main pregnancy symptoms that I am experiencing right now are frequent bathroom trips and a little bit of swelling in my hands and feet. The frequent bathroom trips are sometimes caused by Baby J giving me a swift kick or punch in the bladder. We have an appointment with our doctor tomorrow, so hopefully she can reassure us that the swelling isn't a major problem.

Since we are new at the pregnancy and childbirth thing, Chris and I attended a childbirth class on Sunday. It was very informative and we both learned a lot, such as when to go to the hospital, how to relieve the pain (somewhat, lol), and how to tell the difference between real and false labor. We both feel a lot more prepared for the birth of Baby J. I just hope we can think clearly and calmy when I do go into labor. We have two more classes to take before we move to Georgia. Newborn Essentials, where we will be taught how to change a diaper, bathe our baby as well as soothing techniques. We will also be taking an Infant CPR class. You can never be too prepared.

Hopefully the shirt isn't hiding growing Baby J too much!

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