
Monday, April 11, 2016

California Road Trip Day 1

We started our California road trip in Sacramento. We arrived very late at night(ahem 1 am our time), so we headed straight to bed. The next morning we woke up at a reasonable time and made the 1.5 hour drive to San Francisco. Thankfully, the late flight allowed us to all make the quick adjustment to California time.

Due to the foggy weather, we opted to drive over the Golden Gate Bridge to check out Lombard Street, the crookedest street, first. The look of amazement on Reed's face as we crossed the bridge was priceless.

The bridge didn't look like this when we made it back over the bridge.

It looked like this....

But thankfully, after lunch, things cleared up and we got a good view and good pictures of the bridge. : )

We had lunch in Sausalito at the Salsalito Taco Shop that we had been too years ago with the Carlocks!
Lombard Street, although we didn't get a great shot of the crookedness. Just trust me. ; )

Carson fell asleep on the way back over the bridge, so Reed and I headed into Ghiradelli for some yummy ice cream.
And then we hung out in the park a bit while Reed worked in his book.
After a little break, we made the walk down to Pier 39 to see the sea Lions.

We had originally thought that we would ride the street car this trip but the lines were just too long and the kids were on the verge of being done with sightseeing.
So we opted to drive south of the city and find a local playground.
Carson and Reed were in heaven.
And, we finished out the first day with a yummy burger from In-N-Out.