Weight: 19.6 lbs.
At 10 Months:
- Everything Carson picks up goes straight into her mouth. Every. Single. Thing. That includes DVD cases, shoes, grass, Reed's toys, etc.
- She is cruising around constantly and will stretch out to reach for a piece of furniture close to her, but she won't let go to take steps by herself. She also gets way too excited when we hold her hands to walk. I think she is going to have to figure this one out on her own. She crawled a month after Reed and is going to walk much later than him. That's okay except for the fact that it would be nice to go somewhere without having to worry about skinned knees and her eating things on the ground.
- Her favorite food are sweet potatoes. She has started eating more table foods and even had rice and beans from Willy's tonight. She loves to feed herself. She can even hold the pouches and feed herself now, although we have to watch her carefully because once she gets tired of eating it she will start squeezing food everywhere. She loves, loves ritz crackers. Oh so healthy, I know.
- She totally knows what no means, but she doesn't always listen.
- She has started shaking her head up and down and left to right. Not sure if this necessarily means anything yet, but I know that she will start using the left to right move sooner than we would like.
- She is feisty. She certainly lets you know when she isn't happy with what you are doing, especially her brother. She grows straight for the bite, that's her go to move.
- She can take out the outlet covers. How are we supposed to combat this? We need an outlet cover for our outlet covers. Once she gets it out she takes off crawling as fast as she can, giggling the whole time. She knows she isn't supposed to.
- She says dada, hey, and uh oh. She sometimes says mama.
- She points and high fives.
- She likes to play chase, especially with her brother. Reed likes to lap her.
- She started giving big wet kisses.
- While eating Willy's tonight, she kept saying "um, um". So cute! We assume this means that she loved it!
- She loves to climb. She is all about climbing over our legs and on us. She also loves climbing into Reed's little chair.
- She loves music. She starts bouncing around and bobbing her head. She certainly comes by this honest.
- She has two waves. She does the open and closed hand wave for hi and come here and get me. She does the back and forth wave for bye bye.
Girlfriend is getting harder and harder to photograph! See below for an example.