
Friday, October 30, 2009

2 Months Old!!

It is so very hard to believe that our baby boy is two months old as of yesterday. The last two months have gone by so fast and it seems that he is growing up a lot faster than we would like. We are enjoying every minute of the time we spend with our little guy, even when he is not in the best of moods (which is very rare!).

At 2 Months:

  • Reed loves his Dad. He literally lights up when Chris enters the room and completely forgets that I exist. I don't mind it at all because it is so very sweet!
  • He has a great love for his hands. They are frequently in his mouth. He often uses one of his hands to push the other hand into his mouth. So funny!
  • He discovered his feet recently. He loves moving his toes around. He is amazed!
  • He loves the ceiling fan...even if it is not moving. Ceiling fans are usually are big hit with all kids, but I have never heard of one that loves it when it isn't moving.
  • He can hold his head up very well during tummy time, although he failed to demonstrate this to the pediatrician yesterday. I said that he had stage fright, haha!
  • He talks and laughs at us when we play with him. It is absolutely precious to see him react to us and enjoy the time we spend with him.
  • He can roll over (most of the way) when he is on the bed or couch. He still isn't very good at pulling his arm out from under him.
  • He continues to sleep through the night, which is such a blessing!

Yesterday we went to the pediatrician for Reed's 2 Month appointment. He got two shots and was such a good boy. He only cried momentarily because I again had a bottle on hand to help him through the trauma. He got a little fussy later in the day so we gave him some Tylenol and he did great the rest of the evening. Below are the stats from his 2 month appointment. He fell into the same percentiles this visit as he did at the last visit, which we think is great. We are being consistent!

Weight: 12 lbs. 7 oz. - 75% (He's a growing boy!)

Height: 24 3/4 inches - 95%

Below are the pics from our rocking chair session yesterday. It was much harder this month to capture a good picture of him by himself in the rocking chair. Now that he can control his head a lot better, he was continually moving it back and forth checking out the surroundings. I might try it again today, just to get a few more good shots. For now, the below pics will have to do.

Happy 2 Month Birthday Reed!

Tadbit provides good support!

This is the position he ended up in pretty much everytime I tried to sit him up in the middle of the chair!

He liked being propped up much better!

The best shot of him sitting up by himself. He has gotten a lot thicker since last month!

The elephant provided very little support, but it is oh so cute!

"Haven't I done enough?!?!? I'm bored!"


I decided to put him in a bucket this month since he can hold his head up much better! So cute!

I love this pic! I wish it wasn't blurry!

Just doing a little talking to the camera!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Our Little Pumpkin

This past weekend Chris and I took Reed to Berry Patch Farms in Woodstock for a photo opp. Reed was so very cute sitting amongst the pumpkins and we overheard several people saying how cute he was. I couldn't agree more!

Fall has to be my favorite season, so I was very excited to get Reed out of the house to see a little bit of what fall has to offer. Berry Patch Farms had tons of pumpkins, a hay ride and several baby farm animals and apple cider. Reed had his first encounter with a baby calf, goats, a sheep, pigs, and a turkey. He wasn't too excited about seeing the animals, but I know he will love them next year. See pics below of our handsome little guy showing off his modeling skills.

"Help Daddy, this is not comfortable!"

"Are you all serious?"

"This is much more comfortable!"

Reed working the camera. He is going to be a pro at this very soon with all the pictures that we take of him!

"Thanks Jo for my cute outfit!"

Reed and Daddy

Reed and Me

Reed and the Scarecrow, but he doesn't look scared.

One more pumpkin pic!

Reed with a very ugly turkey!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Watch Reed Walk!

Yes, the title of this post does say "walk"! And no, our 8 week old isn't walking yet, but Chris did a great job making him look like he was walking. The video below was taken the other night after a long session of tummy time with Reed. I think he prefers to be off the ground, lol!

Please note that Chris is not letting Reed put very much weight on the floor........

Enjoy the video of our baby boy "walking"! Please excuse my laughing and the bouncing of the camera, I couldn't help it. It's hilarious!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Reed climbing on Daddy's back!

Yes, I did say that our 7 week old is climbing on his Daddy's back. The kid is doing a 180 degree turn in his bed at night! Craziness! When we play tummy time, he is so very strong and tries his best to use his feet to scoot himself. He will be crawling before we know it. I decided that he might like to lay on his Daddy's back. I wanted to see what he would do and here it is.

Don't be fooled by Chris having his hands on Reed's feet, he is just allowing Reed to use his hands to push off of. Check out the end of the video and see how Reed is picking up the lower half of his body. So cute.

Here are some pictures of the fun Reed had on Chris' back.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Weekend in Tennessee

This past weekend Chris, my mom, grandmother and I took Reed to meet his cousins in Tennessee. We also wanted to meet the new baby in their family, Jayden Brooke, who is only three weeks younger than Reed. We had such a great time just hanging out with our family that we hadn't seen since May when Brandi and Tony got married. We ate lots of yummy food and did a lot of relaxing. It was an all around great weekend with our wonderful family! Below are some pics from our trip!

Hagan dressed as Cinderella for her Princesses and Pirates party.

Reed laughing at Daddy. Oh, how he loves his Daddy!

Jayden and Reed.....can you believe how much bigger he is than her?!?! Only 3 weeks difference!

Holding hands, so sweet!

Hayley, Hudson, me and Reed

Reed and Hudson....Hudson is 9 months old.

Hudson trying to grab a clump of Reed's hair, too cute!

What sweet boys!

Hudson was such a sweet boy, he would let us do anything with him. How many 9 month olds do you know that will let a baby lay in their lap?!?!

Chris holding baby Jayden.

All of the babies, Hagan, Hudson, Reed and Jayden.

Jo feeding Reed, they were having a great time!

Nana and Reed

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

You may be wondering (or maybe not) who Reed looks more like, me or Chris?

Reed shortly after birth....

Big Boy sitting in his boppy

Sporting his first mohawk

So, who does Reed favor the most?


or me?

We think that Reed tends to favor me more. I mean, he does have my chin and my hair color, which I think makes him look more like me than he would otherwise. He also has my hands, but I am thinking that he may look like Chris more than we think. While he does have a lot of similarities to me, we do know for certain that he has Chris' feet. We look forward to watching him grow and change and seeing who he really ends up looking like. Maybe it will be a good mixture of both of us, either way, he just keeps getting more adorable everyday!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Just a little bit of cuteness!

Thanks Uncle Marc for my onesie!

Sweet Boy!

Playing with Daddy

Reed at the end of a yawn. Thanks Jake for my super cute shirt!


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