
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Reed's One Month Stats

Just in case you were wondering, Reed didn't sleep through the night last night, but he only missed it by 2 hours. We certainly aren't complaining!

Reed had his one month appointment with his pediatrician this past Friday. Below are his one month stats.

Weight: 10 lbs. 6 oz. (75th Percentile..He was at the 50th when he was born.)
Height: 23 1/4 inches (95th Percentile)
Head: 15 inches (50th Percentile)

The pediatrician had nothing but good things to say about Reed's growth since our last visit. Unfortunately, Reed had to have a shot for his hepatitis B vaccination. He was so pitiful immediately following the shot but thankfully we had a bottle ready for him. As soon as he started taking his bottle, he completely forgot about the pain from the shot.

Before the fun of the shot and seeing the pediatrician, Reed interacted with us the most that he ever has before. He just smiled and almost giggled at Chris and I while he was laying on the table. It was so sweet! We can't wait until he is doing this more regularly.

On another note...a funny story from last week.

Can I just say that having a baby is so unpredictable?!?!? There are things that I imagine happening with Reed in my head and most of the time I hope that those things don't happen. The first thing that comes to my mind is getting peed on, which you might remember has already happened. Strike one for us! The second, pooping in the bath. Well, strike two came for us last week. Just as we were almost finished bathing Reed and getting ready to get him out, he decided to poop in the bath. Yuck! Needless to say, bath time took a lot longer since we had to clean out the tub and spray rinse Reed off before bathing him again. Fun times! I look forward to the next funny thing that happens that comes with having a baby! Who knows what will happen next?!?! LOL!

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