Weight: 17lbs. 3oz.
At 7 Months:
- Carson is trying to figure out crawling. She does a lot of "swimming" on the floor. She is getting better at pushing up on all fours and can even push back to a sitting position. She is going to be on the move any day now.
- I have yet to mention the color of Carson's eyes. To be honest, I am not sure what color they are going to be. I kept thinking that she was going to have hazel eyes like Reed and I, but they seem to be looking more like a dark, steel blue now. Time will tell. We just might have a blue eyed little girl on our hands.
- Carson has started waving to us with her right hand. It is so precious.
- She is also starting to clasp her hands together. I am sure she will be clapping her hands together in no time....and will potentially never stop.
- Carson is a good little eater. We just started giving her puffs a few days ago and she is loves them.
- Girlfriend still refuses to take a bottle. We started giving her a sippy cup with milk today and she actually drank an ounce, woohoo. We may go straight to a cup and avoid bottles altogether.
- Carson has 7 teeth, 4 on top and 3 on bottom.
- She is still rocking the reverse combover hairdo, lol! Someone mentioned the other night that she looked like she has a Miley Cyrus haircut. Ha! I have contemplated getting it cut, but I think I will just try to stick a bow in it more often.
- We are up and down with our sleep. She absolutely refuses to go down for a nap without me rocking her to sleep and sometimes even that doesn't work. Nights have been a struggle lately, even though this even was excellent. She will often not fall asleep after I feed her and then will cry to try to keep herself awake. Silly girl!
- She is wearing 6-12 month clothes as well as 9 months. She is working on moving up to 12 month clothes at Carters.
- Her favorite thing to say is dada. Little stinker!
- She has the best little laugh. She cackles when she is having fun. Her daddy and her brother are the best at bringing out her laugh.
- We put her in the baby swing for the first time today. She loved it. Giggled the whole time.
I just looked back at Reed's 7 month post and that crazy kid was crawling and pulling himself up. I know that all children are different and I am going to do my best to not compare our two kiddos. She is going to go at her own pace and that is perfectly fine with me. It just means she will stay a baby for a little longer. : )